VM 25 L is the most widely used version of Weinlich’s VM
(bullet) velocity meter. The velocity of the flying objects
is determined by the flight time between two light barriers.
From left to right 3 generations VM 25 L are shown.
The device on the left is 40 years old. When it was developed and for many years afterwards special light bulbs from medical technology were the most suitable light source. However, users occasionally had to replace the bulbs after long periods of use.
Now, on the one hand, these special light bulbs are no longer available and, on the other hand, there are suitable light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
That’s why Carl Walther company gave us the order to upgrade their VM 25 devices (left and middle) to such LEDs.
This order illustrates sustainability through a special quality feature: the possibility of repair and adaptation.
The equipment does not have to be scrapped.
The right device is the current version VM 25.