Handling safety
Any measurements of the exit speed made at the muzzle of firearms
must be
- safe and should of course be
- reliable and
- easy to carry out.
Our VM bullet velocity meters are the only devices that can
fulfill these prerequisites for really all kinds of small arms (rifles,
pistols, revolvers):
- If used in accordance with the operation instructions, safety is
ensured by the design, which has been patented in Germany and
abroad. This safety has also been confirmed by tests performed by
the DEVA (Deutsche Versuchs- und Prüfanstalt für Jagd- und
Sportwaffen - German Institute for Testing Hunting and Sporting
Weapons) in 1983.
- Our customers, mainly manufacturers of weapons and ammunition,
gunsmiths, police departments, and weapons experts, but also
shooting clubs and private reloaders, confirm the reliability and
easy handling of our velocity meters.
- A pellet catcher for airguns available for bullet velocity
meters excludes that people accidently present at a demonstration,
e. g. in a shop, are endangered if used according to the
instructions. Of course the DEVA has examined this pellet catcher,
too, and confirmed its safety.